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In the past there were many people who lived a lot of years. Maybe some of our grandparents are examples of that. Are people who live more than eighty years, the society name to this condition longevity.Nowadays it's too ifficult to live more than 65 years compared with our grandparents it's a few years, but this happens because the way of life and the kind of food. Those are some factors that helped to his people many years ago. Today we eat a lot of fast food and this contains too many substances that are bad for our bodies. Also we don´t do exercise, the youngest people only watch TV and play video games, and do other activities so differents than older people do in their youth. Like work in the family's farm, take care of the cows, and the girls did the house's activities and others. There are others reasons but I only mentioned those.There are advantages and disadvantages of be a person who lives a lot of years. Maybe older people have technological disadvantages because the technology increased a lot in a recent years. For example the computers are a big problem for them because today we do everything with the help of computers, like in our jobs, in the university, etc. Other problems are the cell phones, this too dificult to use for the older people. I can see that with my grandparents, they bougth one and they can´t use it because is so complicated for them.Other disadvantage is theat diseases appear in the life of older people. There are common diseases like in the bones, in the heart, in the legs, etc. The older people are more sensible to suffer a disease than the younger people. Because the defenses are low and their bodies don´t have the same strength like when they were young. I think this disadvantage is one of the most dangerous because this can produce their death.In the other hand there are advantages of be an older person. You can enjoy a lot of years with your family, you can see how other generations grow up. Also you can see the changes of time, the development of the life and technology. You can make plans because you have a lot of years and you can make them reality. It means you have around a century to do, to see and make do things.I think the advantages and disadvantages of living longer depends of the thought and personality of every person, because everybody thinks differently. I want to live long but some people disagree, so it depends on the person.
First I´m going to talk about the organization of the event. They said the play would begin at 4 pm. but it began around 4:30 pm, I don´t know what happened, but some students neede to go to classes at 6 pm, for that reason some were concerned about what time the play would end. When we passed to the auditorium I saw a simple stage. The sound was terrible and we couldn't listen very well what the person said. Also a teacher talks a "little" about Mark Twain's life, that was more extensive than the play.
In relation with the actors that participated in play, they didn't have a good level of English (pronunciation) like we hoped, because they were from Centro Cultural which was a "really good" institution of English. I think that some students of English II speak better than them. Also they weren't funny; we smiled only a few times. I think that maybe the plot of the play cause affect the beliefs of some people, because was about one history of the Holy Bible, the books of books, and that was like a parody of that history. Obviously I'm exaggerating but we don´t know the feelings and sensibility of one person.
Also the majority of us couldn't understand the jokes of American people for that reason we can´t enojy the play as well as we wanted. Also in some parts of the play we can´t listen. We can´t understand some words because was an avanced English for we, the students of English II. Finally I think that for the next year they can´t select a better play than that. Appropiated to students of any level of English.
Nowadays we have a lot of TV commercials that can affect the feelings or can make changes in the way a person thinks, in a negative or possitive form. For that reason the parents have to be responsible of the commercials that their children see in the TV. It is important because some studies say that image of 20 seconds, is in the brain for approximatly 20 years. There are commercials that have violence, fights and drugs, think if you see some of them, incredible but in your brain is going to remember these images for a long time. On the contrary there are other kind of commercials, good one in which our values are going to be improved by them.First I'm going to talk about a bad commercials. Generally those have content of violence, fights, drugs, smoking, alcohol and the kids or teenagers will be induced to try some of these things. And that can provoque that the society will be affected, because those teenagers are going to grow up with little problems of violence. We can see it in some homes, when a kid figths a lot with her/his sibblings. This is only one example that can happen in our lifes.On the other hand there are good commercials that improve our values, because they have a message of peace, love, and care of our planet. It's too important to teach this to our future generations to make a better world. But to think that one commercial is good or bad depends of you, on your values, your way of thinking. It´s possible that one of the commercial that we think is bad, maybe do the boys and the girls more mature to resolve problems. I think that we have to be involved in a world where we have to be prepare for anything for that reason we need to tolarate all the things that the TV shows.